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Jouer Relier Colonnes

socioeconomic status (SES)


gender identity

sexual orientation

growth mindset

stereotype threat

racial or ethnic pride


gender roles



minority group




prejudgment or irrational generalization about an entire category of people

A positive self-concept about one's racial or ethnic heritage This group has less than 2 elements, make sure that is what you want

a socially constructed category based on appearances and ancestry.

the sense of self as male or female as well as the beliefs one has about gender roles

a group of people who have been socially disadvantaged-not always a minority in actual numbers.

the complex answer to the question "Who Am I?"

the behaviors and characteristics that the culture stereotypically associates with being male or female

the extra emotional or cognitive burden that your performance in an academic situation might confirm a negative stereotype.

the gender to whom a person is sexually or emotionally attracted

a cultural heritage shared by a group of people

a prejudicial preference or action

Relative standing based on income, power, background, prestige

individual's beliefs about themselves, self-esteem and self-efficacy

A personally held belief that abilities are unstable, controllable, and improveable.

Schema that organizes knowledge or perceptions about a category