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Stem ____________________ and derived products present enormous potential for new medical treatments . Learn about stem cell types , current and potential uses , ethical issues , and the state of research and practice .
You've probably heard about stem cells on the news , and you may have ____________________ if they could help you or a loved one with a serious illness . You might wonder what stem cells are , how they are used to treat disease and injury , and why they are the subject of such vigorous debate .
Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions about stem cells .
What are Stem cells ?
Stem cells are the ____________________ material of the body ; from them all other cells with ____________________ functions are generated . Under the right conditions in the ____________________ or in a ____________________ , stem cells divide to form more cells called daughter cells .
These daughter cells become new stem cells ( self - renewal ) or specialized cells ( differentiation ) with a more specific function , such as blood cells , brain cells , heart ____________________ cells , or bone cells . No other cell in the body has the natural ability to generate new types of cells .