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1 . In the spring , the pollen plays ____________________ on my respiratory system .
2 . Because the man was not sober , he did not have even a ( n ) ____________________ of control over his car .
3 . There was a ( n ) ____________________ silence on our early morning walk through the cemetery .
4 . Although Britney pretends to be sweet and innocent , she has used her ____________________ to become one of the most popular celebrities in the world .
5 . I yelled as I saw my drunk neighbor ____________________ his vehicle into his house .
6 . The noted physician received a ( n ) ____________________ of awards for his work in AIDS research .
7 . The prisoners were fed ____________________ meat that made them retch and vomit .
8 . My husband has listed me as the ____________________ of his life insurance policy ; in the event of his death , I will receive his insurance payout .
9 . I know my anger will ____________________ if I don't tell my husband how I really feel .
10 . While I don't normally enjoy being out in the sun , if I have to ____________________ somewhere hot all day , I choose Hawaii .
11 . Jo Ann's strategy for settling an argument is to ____________________ her point until the other person gives up .
12 . Since I am a person who wants to know everything , I find it difficult to get along with ____________________ people who keep their feelings to themselves .
13 . Because Joseph had fixed the car before , his ____________________ outlook about fixing it again was not unjustified .
14 . Since we are separated in age by eight years and have few common interests , my sister and I only share a ( n ) ____________________ bond of friendship .
15 . ____________________ actresses typically get picked for comedic roles where the characters are very active by running around .
16 . In order to be a well - rounded person , Jeff enrolled in a ( n ) ____________________ range of hobbies including weaving , rugby , and dog breeding .
17 . Sometimes I have to coax my ____________________ car into starting by calling her pet names .
18 . Jason handled his first acting role with ____________________ and won over his critics .
19 . After the president's embezzlement scandal came to light , a ( n ) ____________________ of distrust covered the administration .
20 . The distinguished veteran was honored with a ( n ) ____________________ funeral in which several of his friends appeared in full military dress .