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Jouer Relier Colonnes


Guaranteed Reservations

Credit/debit Card

Corporate guaranteed reservation


Non-Guaranteed Reservation

Travel Argent

Advance Deposit

In case of a no-show, the hotel generally bills the ___________ for payment.

Requires that a payment in full be received before the guest's day of arrival.

Requires that the guest pay the hotel a specified amount of money before arrival.

Miscellaneous charge order.

The lodging property will charge the guest's account for the amount of the room's rate plus tax.

The hotel agrees to hold a room for the guest until a stated reservation cancellation hour (usually 4 P.M. or 6 P.M.)

Assures the guest that the hotel will hold a room until a specific time of the day following the guest's scheduled arrival date.

Is a contractual agreement between the organization and the hotel.