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“You throw like a girl.”

“[To an Asian student] “Can you help me with my math homework?”

“The only race is the human race.”

“Being gay is just a phase.”

“I don’t see color.”

“No, where are you really from?”

“You are a credit to your race.”

“Why are all Black women so loud?”

“You can succeed if you try hard enough.”

“[A White woman to a Black woman] “As a woman, I understand what you experience as a minority.”

Your identity is invalid.

Your appearance dictates your skills or knowledge.

People of your background are unintelligent.

I'm not racist, because I'm oppressed like you.

Your experiences as a minority are no different from anyone else’s.

Your experiences are a minority are invalid.

Feminine traits are undesirable.

You should assimilate to the dominant culture.

You are not American.

You are lazy.