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1 . Using the right method , ____________________ in the target language is possible after just a few weeks .
2 . Students should talk with ____________________ ____________________ only . Exposure to other learners wil result in new errors .
3 . To improve ____________________ , the student should copy out several pages from the textbook every day .
4 . The student's biggest problem is translating every word of English into his ____________________ ____________________ .
5 . The best ____________________ is for the student to imitate the recordings for an hour at a time .
6 . It is unnecessary to learn ____________________ words unless the learner needs them for a specific job .
7 . It is impossible to become ____________________ unless the second language was learnt in childhood .
8 . Students should avoid ____________________ because it isn't proper Engliish .
9 . To improve the listening ____________________ , the student should listen daily to the radio .
10 . The ____________________ student needs to be corrected every time he makes a mistake .