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A : Uff ! I feel so tired today !
B : ____________________ you sleep well last night ?
A : No . I had to work until midnight .
B : ____________________ you quit that job yet ?
A : Not yet .
B : ____________________ you think it's time to make a decision about your job ?
A : Yeah ! Maybe , you're right .
B : ____________________ you like to work with me ?
A : I'd love to , but ____________________ you working for your dad ?
B : Yes , I am . Why ?
A : ____________________ his company closed last month ?
B : Oh ! Rumours ! . The company is in perfect conditions .
A : Ok . Let me think about it . I have to go to my dancing lessons now .
B : ____________________ you dance ?
A : Actually , I am good good at dancing cumbia , but I can't dance salsa at all .
B : But , ____________________ you going to study for the test ?
A : I'll do it right after class . By the way , why ____________________ you in class at the moment ?
B : Because I finished the course last week . ____________________ you know that ?
A : Sorry . I just forgot it !