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Kenny was going across ____________________ by bus . One evening he stayed in a ____________________ in a little town in California .
In Los Angeles , somebody was ____________________ a security guard outside a supermarket . The robber had long ____________________ hair and was on a motorcycle . He saw a girl arriving on a motorcycle . He thought he knew her face . He had ____________________ and saw the girl was eating . He talked with her . Her ____________________ is Mel . A young man was watching Mel . Kenny talked to him and said ? Let's ____________________ the police . ? But , Ned was afraid and said ? No ! Perhaps she is got a gun . ? Kenny thought the ____________________ from the robbery was in her ____________________ . Kenny searched the room , but he couldn't find the money . Then she got back . He climbed into next room from the window . He found a blond ____________________ , a motorcycle ____________________ and the money . Ned came into the room . He was the Los Angeles supermarket ____________________ . Ned escaped . Mel got on her motorcycle and stopped Ned . He fell into the ____________________ . The police arrived and took ____________________ away .