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Hi , sorry for bothering you . I ____________________ about to call you ten minutes ago but my mother ____________________ on the phone right now . Yes , she ____________________ using my cellphone and that´s why I ____________________ using my father´s cellphone . Wait a minute , I ____________________ seeing her through the window . . . what ____________________ she doing ? I don´t know . . maybe you ____________________ wondering it , don´t worry , she ____________________ only finding a place to get a better signal . By the way , I ____________________ thinking . . . ____________________ you sure you ____________________ coming tomorrow night to my house ? My mom ____________________ still angry with you for always bothering to her cat . I ____________________ not going to laugh but It ____________________ kind of funny . Anyway , I ____________________ sure you ____________________ busy and . . . oh , my mother ____________________ calling out . I ____________________ going to finish this recording . It ____________________ great to know that you ____________________ very well after the accident . When you ____________________ ready and starting to miss me , call me back , please . Bye .