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____________________ dependence manifests as drinking more frequently with ____________________ of social , occupational , & recreational activities along with unsuccessful attempts to quit drinking .
____________________ is needing more of a substance to get the desired effect .
____________________ can involve a client blaming themselves or making excuses for a family members problems .
You should monitor ____________________ ____________________ due to links to Pancreatitis & Diabetes in alcoholics .
Symptoms of alcohol ____________________ include tremors , sweating , nausea , anxiety , & ____________________ mood along with increased heart rate & B / P .
Onset of withdrawal begins within 4 - 12 hrs . after cessation or marked reduction of alcohol intake peaking on day 2 and ____________________ in about 5 days .
Medication used for safe withdrawal from alcohol include the class of drugs known as ____________________ .
One of the most common drugs given during alcohol withdrawal is ____________________ . It is used to treat anxiety , insomnia & symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol and other drugs .
An ____________________ on benzodiazepines would present as N / V , unconsciousness , respiratory depression .
Clients experiencing alcohol withdrawal are usually given a mixture of nutrients . One of the most important would be ____________________ ( Vitamin B1 ) .
Thiamine is a vitamin necessary to prevent neurological complications from alcohol withdrawal known as ____________________ - ____________________ syndrome .
____________________ is a medication used to help a client abstain from alcohol . It does this through causing ____________________ when alcohol is ingested .
The use of disulfiram is considered an ____________________ type of behavioral therapy .
Sedatives , Hypnotics , and Anxiolytics cause CNS ____________________ .
____________________ injection , a benzodiazepine receptor antagonist ( reverses sedative effects of benzos ) is given for symptoms of benzodiazepine ____________________ such as lethargy and confusion .
Medications such as Amphetamines and Cocaine act as CNS ____________________ .
Stimulants create a ____________________ or euphoric feeling , hyperactivity , hypervigilance ; talkativeness , suspiciousness , hallucinations , appetite suppression , ____________________ pulse and B / P .
The nurse should monitor for emotional ____________________ , not eating , and / or getting very little sleep .
The nurse expects ____________________ toxicity to cause tremors , fever , agitation , hypertension , seizures , ventricular dysrhythmias , & possible coma .
The nurse would expect pupils to be ____________________ in clients taking stimulants .
Withdrawal syndrome from stimulants would affect mood ( as ____________________ ) , dreams ( as disturbed ) , sleep ( as increased or decreased ) , appetite ( as ____________________ ) , and feelings of wellbeing ( as decreased ) .
____________________ including oxycodone , heroin , & fentanyl are considered CNS ____________________ .
The nurse expects to see a client using opioids to demonstrate desensitization ; ____________________ , euphoria ; heightened feelings well - being .
The nurse would expect pupils to be ____________________ in clients taking opioids .
Pinpoint pupils are pupils that do not respond to changes in lighting would be considered a sign of an opioid ____________________ , which is a medical ____________________ .
Nurses would suspect an opioid overdose on in a client presenting with respiratory ____________________ , unconsciousness , or coma .
The nurse would administer ____________________ as treatment for a suspected opioid overdose .
The nurse recognizes that drugs like ____________________ are shorter - acting and methadone is a longer - acting drug .
The nurse would expect to administer ____________________ as a treatment to decrease the severity of heroin withdrawal symptoms .
____________________ drugs like Ecstasy , Ketamine , LSD , MDMA , Acid , PCP , Mushrooms cause reality distortion .
Nurses expect clients taking hallucinogenic drugs to present with symptoms like ____________________ ; hallucinations ( usually visual ) , and depersonalization .
The nurse would expect pupils to be ____________________ in clients taking hallucinogenic drugs .
The nurse would expect to see possible seizures , hypertension , hyperthermia , ( psychological reactions ) ? Bad Trip ? and respiratory ____________________ in clients with toxicity from hallucinogens .
While alcohol is the most used & abused substance in all age groups , ____________________ use should be considered as a possible addictive substance source for ____________________ and young adults .
Inhalants are readily available , legal , & ____________________ . The nurse could suspect intoxication to present with neurologic , and ____________________ symptoms .
A client who presents with slurred speech , ataxia , disorientation , hallucinations , lethargy , irritation around nose / eyes & strange breath odor should be evaluated for ____________________ use .
Acute ____________________ from inhalants can cause anoxia , respiratory ____________________ , vagal stimulation , and dysrhythmias .
If a client using inhalants experiences bronchospasm , cardiac arrest , suffocation , or aspiration , ____________________ could be possible .
____________________ people often deny having a problem and commonly states that he or she can stop using the drug anytime .
A nurse who sees a coworker with poor work performance , frequent absenteeism or unusual behaviors such as isolating from peers , slurred speech or motor dysfunction should suspect substance ____________________ .
Substance abuse can occur in health professionals . As such , nurses have an ____________________ , and legal responsibility to ____________________ suspicious behavior to supervisor , charge nurse or manager .