Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
1 . A : Hey Dan , Pass me a notebook to write down the address . ____________________ ____________________ one ____________________ the table .
B : ____________________ the table ____________________ ____________________ some books but ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ any notebook .

2 . A : What ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ your living room ?
B : ____________________ the living room ____________________ ____________________ an armchair ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ the window . Through the window you can see the backyard . ____________________ ____________________ a sofa ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ the TV , a coffee table is ____________________ the sofa and the TV , ____________________ ____________________ a lamp ____________________ ____________________ the armchair , and ____________________ ____________________ pictures of my parents' wedding ____________________ the wall .

3 . A : Pete , could you pick up some milk ? please
B : ____________________ ____________________ milk ____________________ the fridge .
A : ____________________ ____________________ not anything ____________________ the fridge , just ____________________ ____________________ a bowl with something green .
B : It is my chemistry projec t