Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
1 . - We go ____________________ school by bus .
2 . - Sorry , John isn't here . He's ____________________ work .
3 . - It's a great day . Let's go ____________________ the beach !
4 . - My brother studies economics ____________________ the University of Chicago .
5 . - I go to the gym ____________________ Tuesdays and Thursdays .
6 . - My birthday is ____________________ December 16th .
7 . - We live ____________________ a big apartment .
8 . - My father is a doctor , her works ____________________ a hospital .
9 . - We always get up ____________________ six am .
10 . - We have English lessons ____________________ Mondays and wednesdays .
11 . - Sally has breakfast ____________________ about eleven am .
12 . - Sam doesn't go ____________________ school ____________________ sundays .
13 . - Karla runs ____________________ the park ____________________ the evenings .
14 . - My family has a big dinner ____________________ Christmas .
15 . - They go ____________________ the beach ____________________ the summer .
16 . - My boyfriend and me go ____________________ the movies ____________________ the weekend .