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1 They advise farmers, helping them solve their problems. They also work with other people involved in agricultural issues, including landowners and conservation entities. They give financial advice and on the negotiation, for example, of budgets and planning. They also take care of technical advice on issues such as fertilizing crops and feeding livestock.
2 It is a spot where animals such as birds, cows and horses can drink. This can be rounded or rectangular according to the number of animals. It should be the best way for farmers to supply water to their cattle.
3 They are places where people learn to go around on horses. Can be trained for sport riding or to link animals from horses. Riding horses is taught as a form of transportation to agricultural lots.
4 It is an agricultural infrastructure for the production of plants, which can be forest, fruit or ornamental small trees. They remain in this place until the transplant time arrives.
5 It is a spot where raw sewage is taken in order to remove organic load through anaerobe and aerobe processes. The water that comes out of this place is purified and reused in other tasks.
6 This is one of the best-selling flowers in Colombia, with different colors and beautiful petals. It is produced seasonally according to international demand.
7 The fruit of a plant that is similar to berries, can also be found in places like patisseries to decorate desserts and cakes.
8 Is the person who lives by catching fish and other aquatic animals, since he catches enough quantity to feed himself and sell the surplus. Belonging to the primary sector, it is a profession that has existed since prehistoric times in various ways, basically fishing from the coast or by boat.
9 It is a group of animals like chickens, horses, cows etc. They can be located outdoors or indoors. They are produced for sale, by-products and reproduction of the breed.
10 It is a baby from an animal or human being. Can be new specimens of animal trough reproduction. It must be done naturally to preserve the characteristics of the producing species.
11 Is the person whose occupation or trade is the care and maintenance of a garden.
12 This is a tuber, one of its pests is the white worm. When it is cultivated, it comes out full of soil and usually several come in a single plant.
13 Is the person whose job it is to prepare and sell flowers in a store, this person sells natural and artificial flowers, as well as potted plants.
14 A yellow fruit on the inside and green on the outside, which is like butter. Sometimes it is confused with a vegetable, it is also used to make salads
15 It is a domestic bird that sings early in the morning, and wakes people up. He is responsible for the reproduction of the hens. They can be in a pen or outside with the other farm animals.
16 Refers to the person whose job is to collect the milk and distribute it or sell it among the population. The term applies indistinctly to the worker who milks, the one who distributes the milk and the one who sells it in a specific establishment of the bouquet.
17 This person is in charge of tasks related to livestock in much of the work.
18 This term refers to a group of cows, bulls and calves. This group can be located in the same paddock or in different spaces. Heifers are also included in this group of animals.
19 Is a (natural) person who is of legal age or authorized to provide some type of service that is linked to a company or person in particular, based on a subordination link, and for whose work he receives financial compensation.
20 Is a person who hunts animals for trade, but also for sporting purposes.
21 Is the person who is dedicated to cultivating the land in an agricultural holding for the extraction and exploitation of the resources it originates, such as: plant foods such as cereals, fruits, vegetables, cultivated pastures and forages; fibers used by the textile industry; crops
22 This is a fruit named after a color, its flavor is acidic, its round shape, it has several seeds inside and it is a good source of vitamin C
23 It is a place where you keep horses. Horses are insured as well as mares and foals. In this place the horses are ready for the operations carried out by the veterinarian.
24 This is the basis and principle of the structure of all plants and absorbs all the nutrients from the soil for their growth.
25 This is a type of cereal that is used to cook bread, make cereals, and flour.
26 This product is the result of an industrial process after milking, it is consumed by many people although it is also avoided by many due to its lactic characteristics
27 It is a place where grains or agricultural products are stored. It helps harvests to be stored before being transported. In this place, food reserves for people and animals are also kept.
28 A kind of pasture that you can find in many places such as parks, terraces, farms, paddocks and mountains.
29 This flower is usually used on Valentine's Day, usually its color is red but it is also used white, on the other hand it also represents love.
30 These persons diagnose and treat sick and injured animals. They also prevent disease and ill health, for example through vaccinations and advising owners. Some veterinarians specialize, for example, in pets, livestock, horses, and zoo animals.