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I want to share some information ____________________ natural disasters . You may know that hurricanes and storms are verycommon here . The Atlantic hurricane season is ____________________ June to November but the peak period is from August to the end ____________________ October .
Last year I got really scared because there ____________________ a terrible storm and the streets were all floaded . My family and I found shelter in a building near my school . My mom was driving her car but she was able to meet us at ____________________ shelter .
Fortunately , ____________________ of us were hurt . We went back home really late that night . We were ____________________ helped by the fire fighters and police . They were very kind to us .
____________________ there are natural disasters in your country , follow the instructions and take your pets with you . They also need help . This can happen to anyone . Don't ____________________ up and ____________________ for help . , someone will always be there . Firefighters can usually help , because they are all trained to rescue peolpe and animals .