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I am a French nerd , and I have two passions in life , so I hope I can communicate this .
I am passionate about the ____________________ , and I'm passionate about ____________________ .
So the subject that I'd like to talk to you about today is :
____________________ . I became a ____________________ twelve years ago , and in neuromarketing you have " ____________________ , " which means " the brain " and " marketing " as in :
" I'm going to try to ____________________ you something that maybe you don't even ____________________ . "
I believe it's important for you so you can protect yourself against people trying to sell you something you don't really need .
But as you'll see , there's an application to this ,
which , if each and every one of us really understood our ____________________ nature ,
- - I'm going to talk about the reptilian brain - -
if each and every one of us could understand our reptilian nature ,
we could change the world .
So what's the definition of neuromarketing ?
Neuromarketing is the ____________________ of human ____________________ ,
and it's about using neurometrics ,
biometrics , and psychometrics to understand our ____________________ .