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The White Brothers did 1,000 short distance- flights in the desert of North Carolina.

By 1901, Orville and Nathan White prepared their new machine to fly, but it did not work the first times.

The history of planes started before the 1800's. In the 16th century, Mark Clerck was one of the first men who began,

but he did not actually build it. Thw irwins, two French brothers, made a ballon that flew for more than five miles in 1738.

Finally, on december 17,1903 they built the kitty Hawk Flyer, wich after trying many times, stayed in the air for 12 seconds

In 1848, John Hartman made a small model plane that was able to make short flights. Then in January of 1890, Samuel Secret, tried to fly a flying machine once; the weather was so bad, so he tried again the next month, but it didn't go up, so he stopped the project

As a result, in 1907, air transport began. In 1905, the first airplane company was made by two pilots from Rome, Gabriel and Charles Oliveri, while the American Brett Graham, and the British Mike Major, were starting the first US airlane company in New York

thinking of how to fly machine; he had dreams and made drawings of a hellicopter,