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How is sugar made ?
Sugar ____________________ ____________________ ( make ) by some plants to store energy that they don't need straight away , rather like animals make fat . People like sugar for its sweetness and its energy so some of these plants ____________________ ____________________ ( grow ) commercially to extract the sugar :
Sugar ____________________ ____________________ ( produce ) in 121 Countries and global production now exceeds 120 Million tons a year . Approximately 70% ____________________ ____________________ ( produce ) from sugar cane , a very tall grass with big stems which ____________________ largely ____________________ ( grow ) in the tropical countries . The remaining 30% ____________________ ____________________ ( produce ) from sugar beet , a root crop resembling a large parsnip grown mostly in the temperate zones of the north .

Note . Adapted from http : / / www . sucrose . com / learn . html for educational purposes .