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Learn this ! Past simple ( affirmative ) : irregular
Many verbs have irregular past simple forms . There are no specific rules , but you can divide them in groups to remember them more easily .

Group 2 : past forms with " d " endings
The past forms of all these verbs finish with letter " d , " but they are irregular : find = found / have = had / hide = hid / hold = held / lead = led / pay = paid / say = said / sell = sold / show = showed

Complete the paragraph with the correct verb in simple past :

Pawsy Doggy
Last spring , I ____________________ ( lead / find ) a little dog . It was too thin , cold and ____________________ ( have / find ) an injured paw . It was scared , so the poor doggy ____________________ ( hide / say ) under a bench . I ____________________ ( have / hold ) it against me to keep it warm , then I found a friend and he ____________________ ( say / show ) we could take the doggy to a vet . So we ____________________ ( pay / sell ) $6 for a taxi and my friend ____________________ ( hide / lead ) the driver to the vet's address . When we arrived , the vet checked the dog and asked me : " Do you want to take it home with you ! " " Sure , I do ! " I said . Then he ____________________ ( sell / say ) some dog's food to me and I could finally take my doggy home . I named her Pawsy .