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Cleopatra was the ____________________ pharaoh of Ancient Egypt . She ____________________ Egypt for ____________________ years .
She ____________________ ____________________ up in Rome , she ____________________ up in Alexandria .
Cleopatra ____________________ queen when she was ____________________ years old . She was very ____________________ .
Cleopatra hid from her ____________________ when he ____________________ to kill her because she was a better pharaoh .
She ____________________ an admirable diplomat . She was also a navy commander and a linguist .
She ____________________ ____________________ to Greece , she ____________________ to Syria .
She ____________________ ____________________ only two languages , she ____________________ nine !
Her servants ____________________ her up inside a carpet because she wanted to meet ____________________ Caesar .
Her ____________________ husband was impressed , she was very brave .
Mark Anthony ____________________ in love with her the first time they ____________________ .
Julius Caesar ____________________ ____________________ Mark Anthony , Octavian ____________________ him .
Cleopatra had ____________________ children . Caesarion , her first ____________________ , was killed when he was only ____________________ years old .