.
Maggie
and
Gary
are
talking
on
the
phone
Gary
:
What's
that
music
in
the
background
?
Have
you
got
the
radio
on
?
Maggie
:
No
,
that's
Clive
.
He
____________________
____________________
the
saxophone
.
Gary
:
Sounds
good
.
____________________
____________________
____________________
to
lessons
?
Maggie
:
Yes
.
He
____________________
a
lesson
every
Friday
.
.
Another
phone
call
Maggie
:
You
took
a
long
time
to
answer
the
phone
.
Gary
:
Yes
,
was
upstairs
.
____________________
____________________
our
bedroom
.
Maggie
:
Is
Cathy
in
?
Gary
:
No
,
I'm
afraid
not
.
She
____________________
____________________
-
____________________
for
some
friends
.
Maggie
:
Oh
,
really
.
How
often
____________________
____________________
____________________
that
?
Gary
:
Nearly
every
Friday
.
.
Yet
another
phone
call
Gary
:
We
want
to
play
cards
on
Saturday
evening
and
we
need
two
more
people
.
Can
you
come
?
Maggie
:
No
,
can't
,
I'm
afraid
.
____________________
____________________
some
friends
to
he
airport
.
Gary
:
What
about
Clive
?
____________________
____________________
____________________
anything
?
Maggie
:
He
____________________
____________________
some
people
from
work
.
He
____________________
____________________
with
them
every
first
Saturday
of
the
month
.
Gary
:
That's
a
pity
.