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You know, there are just too many laws for everything! The thing is, most people are sensible enough not to need all these laws.

I think couples that are getting married should be made to take marriage classes before they actually get married. You know, to help lower divorce rates.

I don't think jaywalking should be a crime. I mean, if I'm in a hurry, I should be able to cross the street wherever I want to!

I think it's the parents' responsibility to make sure their kids know right from wrong. I mean, if the kids do something wrong, their parents should be punished, too.

That's true -maybe it shouldn't be a crime -but you still need to be careful, especially if you're in a hurry.

I never really thought of it that way. It's not such a bad idea, but I'm not sure that taking classes would help.

You've got a point there, but don't you think that parents with kids that are always in trouble should be helped, not punished?

Well, you've got a point, but society would be a big mess without them! I think people actually need them!