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Ben ____________________ several long careers , as a statesman , writer , inventor , and womanizer .

He ____________________ create and ____________________ the Declaration of Independence ( 1775 ) , which ____________________ the 13 American colonies from England . He ____________________ England´s acceptance of the document ( 1783 ) .

He ____________________ as a journalist and ____________________ a printing press . He ____________________ the publication of almanacs . He even ____________________ electricity while flying a kite . In addition , he ____________________ glasses .

He also ____________________ the life of a womanizer , even more than Mr . Billy Clinton . He ____________________ as the U . S . ambassador in Paris , where he ____________________ the Queen of France and other " ladies " of the court very well . It is estimated that he ____________________ at least 10 English , 20 French and 40 American children .