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1 . If it rains tomorrow , the match will be ____________________ ____________________ .
2 . The car ____________________ ____________________ just outside the mall .
3 . It's hard work ____________________ ____________________ three children all day .
4 . ____________________ ____________________ ! There's a car coming .
5 . I hope the children don't ____________________ ____________________ their grandfather .
6 . I've had a nasty cold , but I'm ____________________ ____________________ it now .
7 . I need to ____________________ ____________________ a hobby . I'm getting really bored in this quarantine .
8 . Gavin ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ the idea of dividing the rooms in half .
9 . I'll ____________________ ____________________ early to avoid the traffic .
10 . He had worked hard and was ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ his retirement .