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Miguel is standing in line at ____________________ ____________________ . It is his turn and he walks to ____________________ ____________________ . ____________________ ____________________ at ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ him for his ID and she checks his flight details . Yes , he is confirmed on flight 103 from Los Angeles to Hawaii at noon . He does not have any bags to check ____________________ ____________________ has one small carry - ____________________ ____________________ that he will take with him . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ out his boarding pass . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ officers walk past him with ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . ____________________ dog ____________________ sniffing around ____________________ luggage trying to detect drugs and explosives . Miguel is relieved when he sees ____________________ dog walk past ____________________ . Suddenly , ____________________ dog turns ____________________ begins to sniff his bag and bark . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ looks at Miguel . ? Sir , please bring your bag and come with me . ?