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HOTEL CLERK : The Four Seasons Hotel . How can I help you ?
YOU : Hello , my name is Mr . Ford . I'd like to ____________________ a room . Do you have any available from March 10th to March 13th ?
HOTEL CLERK : Yes , we do . Would you like a ____________________ room or a single ____________________ ?
YOU : How ____________________ is the double room per ____________________ ?
HOTEL CLERK : It's $75 per night . . . And the single room is $65 per night .
YOU : Can I take my ____________________ ?
HOTEL CLERK : yes , pets are ____________________
YOU : OK , perfect . I'd like to reserve a single room .
HOTEL CLERK : Alright . I've made that ____________________ for you . And how will you be arriving ?
YOU : We'll be arriving by car . Is there any ____________________ in the hotel ?
HOTEL CLERK : Yes , we have ____________________ parking in the courtyard of the hotel .