Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
1 - My sister studies English ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . Her class is on Saturday afternoons .
2 - I never study for science . That class is so ____________________ .
3 - Beto's new phone has a ____________________ that takes great photos .
4 - We have school ____________________ ____________________ from 8 : 00 a . m . to 3 : 00 p . m .
5 - Juana has violin lessons ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , on Tuesdays and Thursdays .
6 - It's difficult to communicate with someone when you don't speak the same ____________________ .
7 - I use my father's ____________________ to do my homework .
8 - Most of these shirts are red . Try on this blue one because it's ____________________ .

Impact foundation - Worksheet 2 . 7