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Gloves protect your hands from corrosive chemicals and volatile solvents. The gloves should be close-fitting so that the wearer can perform suitable activities requiring dexterity.

A fire extinguisher is necessary in case of an accidental laboratory fire. The fire extinguisher is mounted on the wall near the exit of the laboratory classroom.

Chemical splash goggles do not have open slats and are used to prevent any splashed chemicals from getting near your eyes.

Your eye protection should cover the area around your eyes and prevent any foreign objects from damaging your eyes.

The rubber apron will protect your clothes and skin from any splashed or spilled chemicals.

The person you go to if there is an -emergency -sonething has spilled or broken -you need help

If any hazardous material should be splashed on the face or eye area, the eyewash station should be used to flush the affected area. Proper use of the eyewash station will be demonstrated by the teacher.

A fire blanket is used to wrap a student if any part of the student’s clothing catches on fire. The fire blanket is stored in a marked container on the wall.