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Jouer Compléter
1 . - The results of the election were announced ____________________ 11 o'clock .
2 . - Cellphones were invented ____________________ the 20th century .
3 . - He took some great photos ____________________ the party .
4 . - I can't read a book when I'm ____________________ a bus , I get dizzy .
5 . - Our flight is leaving ____________________ Wednesday ____________________ 9 : 30
6 . We have an exam ____________________ Monday morning .
7 . - I'll meet you ____________________ the bus stop .
8 . The children sat down ____________________ the floor to see the game .
9 . - They went for a walk ____________________ the park .
10 . Steve Jobs was born ____________________ 1955 , and died ____________________ October 2 , 2011 .