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Two summers ago we ____________________ ( take ) our vacation in Vancouver . We ____________________ ( drive ) there from San Francisco , but our car ____________________ ( brake ) down on the freeway , and we ____________________ ( spend ) the first night in Seattle . When we ____________________ ( get ) to Vancouver we ____________________ ( not can ) find a good hotel - they ____________________ ( be ) all full . We ____________________ ____________________ ( not know ) what to do , but finally we ____________________ ( find ) a bed and breakfast , and we ____________________ ( stay ) there for the week .

We ____________________ ( see ) the botanical gardens , ____________________ ( go ) to an arts festival , and we ____________________ ( buy ) a lot of souvenirs . We ____________________ ( want ) to go to Victoria , but we ____________________ ____________________ ( not have ) enough time and it ____________________ ( be ) too far away . The weather ____________________ ( not be ) very good , and it ____________________ ( start ) rainning the day we ____________________ ( leave )