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I was a little bit fat , always tired and not very fit so I wanted to do ____________________ sport . My only problem was that I didn ? t know ____________________ to do . I ? ve got an old bicycle but I didn ? t enjoy cycling because there are a lot of cars on the roads . It ? s dangerous ! My parents told me to wear a helmet but my helmet was too big for me . Then I started going to the ____________________ . That was boring ! I didn ? t know anybody there . So I decided to take up ____________________ . I didn ? t like ____________________ very much . I swam up and down with nobody to talk to . The water hurt my eyes , the pool ____________________ crowded and the swimming pool was a long way from my house .
Then a friend asked me to join their ____________________ club . I played at school a few times and I enjoyed it . I wasn ? t very good at it but I knew some of the rules so I decided to join . I started a ____________________ ago . We train at the local sports centre . We practise every Monday and Wednesday and then on Saturday or Sunday we have a match . On the practice days we do a lot of exercises so I am losing weight and getting very fit . There are about ____________________ of us so we have two teams and I now have lots of friends . I really enjoy it and I ____________________ miss a practice day .
Last weekend I played in my first match and we won ! It was so good . I feel much better and I can concentrate more at school . My teachers are happy , my ____________________ are happy and I am too !