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Activity 1 : Complete the table with the adverbs of frequency : never / always / often
a . Every day : ____________________
b . 4 days a week : usually
c . 3 days a week : ____________________
d . Twice a week : sometimes
e . Once a week : hardly ever
f . No days a week : ____________________

Learn This ! Adverbs of frequency
a . We use adverbs of frequency to say how often something happens . We usually put adverbs of frequency before the verb : I never have breakfast .
b . We put adverbs of frequency after the verb be : You're always on time !

Activity 2 : Complete the second sentence .
1 . Do sports after school 4 days a week : Millie usually does sports after school .
2 . Take the bus to school once a week : I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ the bus to school .
3 . Meet her friends in town after school 3 days a week : Jake ____________________ ____________________ his friends in town after school .
4 . Do her homework on the bus twice a week : Elena ____________________ ____________________ her homework on the bus .
5 . Be hungry at break time every day : My cousins ____________________ ____________________ hungry at break time .
6 . Arrive late for school no days a week : I ____________________ ____________________ late to school .