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Jouer Compléter
1 . ____________________ name is Daryl , I'm from Brazil .
2 . The students are from Italy . ____________________ names are Susana and Tito .
3 . We're in class 2 . ____________________ teacher is Richard .
4 . She is in my class , ____________________ name is Rebecca .
5 . How do you spell ____________________ name , Anna ?
6 . London is famous for ____________________ parks .
7 . This is my teacher , ____________________ name is Brad .
8 . Sit down and open ____________________ books , please .
9 . Laura is in my class , ____________________ desk is near the window .
10 . We're from Beijing , ____________________ last name is Wong .
11 . This is a Chinese restaurant , ____________________ name is Merry city .
12 . They're Canadian , ____________________ last name is McPherson .