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... is the effort people put in in order to do their job: TEACHING IS FUN, BUT IT`S ALSO A LOT OF WORK

...something is to read and learn a lot about it in order to understand it well: YOU CAN LEARN A LOT ABOUT A CULTURE IF YOU STUDY ITS HISTORY

... a place is to look around it to find out what is there: YOU NEED A LIGHT TO EXPLORE A CAVE

... is a job that requires an education or a special skill: TO WORK IN A MEDICAL PROFESSION, YOU MUS GO TO UNIVERSITY FOR MANY YEARS

... is an exciting experience that may be fun or may be dangerous: GOING T AN UNDERWATER CAVE WOULD BE AN EXCITING ADVENTURE

... is work you do in exchange for money: MY UNCLE HAS A JOB AS A UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR

... works to find out how people lived long ago: ARCHAEOLOGISTS STUDY PEOPLE AND THINGS FROM LONG AGO information that helps you solve a problem or a puzzle: WE`RE LOOKING FOR A CLUE TO SOLVE THIS PUZZLE