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1. Geography
2. Religion
3. Achievements
4. Politics
5. Economics
6. Social Structure

The city is surrounded by beautiful mountains.

The people of the civilization had celebrations 4 times a year to celebrate their gods.

The Early Humans were the first group of people to settle down and beginning farming.

During Early Humans time, the most valuable resources included their weapons for hunting and the crops they grew.

The creation of the sun dial was important to people being able to tell time.

The civilization is located beside of the Nile River.

The people of the civilization believed in one god.

Different forms of government include self, democracy, republic, and kings

Early Humans divided their jobs between the men and women.

People of Mesopotamia would barter for items that they needed.

The Greeks and Romans are responsible for the foundation of democracy still used today.

The Early Humans would trade crops among other things to get what they needed.

Arches were invented by the Greeks.

During Mesopotamia, King Nebuchadnezzar ruled the Babylonians.

The beliefs of the people were determined by the king.

The people of the civilization believed that everyone was good.

Civilizations created writing to be able to record sales, receipts, and record events of the time.

The people were farmers living off of the crops they were able to grow.

The leaders of settlements were important to the social classes of Mesopotamia.

Some civilizations had kings while other civilizations were ruled by a group of people.

The Egyptian social classes included the pharoah, the slaves, and several in between.

People of Greece would use coins sometimes to purchase items that they needed.

The people of the civilization used chariots to get from one place to another.

The Caste System is used in India.