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During the first ____________________ of the pandemic , everyone went in quarantine . A ____________________ is a piece of time or a stage in something's progress .
People were scared because the disease had a high ____________________ ____________________ . A ____________________ ____________________ tells how many people die from a certain illness .
The only people not in quarantine were ____________________ workers . Something or someone ____________________ is necessary to survive or get something done .
We quarantined ourselves because the virus was extremely ____________________ . A ____________________ disease spreads easily from person to person .
____________________ means pass from one person or thing to another person or thing . COVID - 19 can be ____________________ from one sick person to a well person or from something a sick person touched to a healthy person .
The ____________________ causing this pandemic was COVID - 19 , a type of coronavirus . A ____________________ is any organism that can make you ill .
Since viruses spread fast , anything that spreads quickly can be described as ____________________ . COVID - 19 is definitely ____________________ .
As we entered phase 2 of the pandemic , people could leave quarantine as long as they used ____________________ . ____________________ is short for Personal Protective Equipment .
For the pandemic to end , we need a ____________________ . A ____________________ is a kind of medicine we take into our bodies so that our bodies can fight off a disease .
When that happens , we will all have ____________________ to COVID - 19 . A person with ____________________ cannot be hurt by something harmful , like a pathogen .