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a ) You can always return a product bought online if you ____________________ your mind
or if it doesn't fit you .
b ) It is easy to ____________________ around online and find the best deal very fast .
c ) A lot of people ____________________ too much money on clothes or gadgets .
d ) If you want to ____________________ an order , click the green button and make the
payment .
e ) If you want to ____________________ a complaint about products you bought at our store ,
complete this form and send it to customerservice@acme . com
f ) How many stores do you usually ____________________ when you go shopping ?
g ) Enter your credit or debit card details and any other information required
and click ? confirm card details ? to ____________________ a payment .
h ) When you make a decision , simply select quantity and ____________________ the product to
the cart .
i ) You can ____________________ coupons to save money on everyday things such as your
grocery shopping .
j ) We promise you 30 - day satisfaction guarantee , which means that you can
return the product within 30 days and ____________________ a full refund .