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It was thanks to Napoléon that the continent was ____________________ from a chaotic patchwork of ____________________ feudal and religious ____________________ into efficient , modern , and secular nation ____________________ where the people held more ____________________ and ____________________ than ever before . " " Should we also thank him for the ____________________ of nationalism and the ____________________ increase in army sizes ? You can see how well that ____________________ out a century later . " " So what would European ____________________ have been like if it ____________________ for Napoléon ? " " Unimaginably better / worse . " Napoléon seemingly unstoppable ____________________ would die in the Russian winter snows , along with most of his ____________________ . But even after being ____________________ and exiled , he refused to give up , ____________________ from his prison and launching a ____________________ attempt at restoring his empire before being ____________________ for the second and final time . Bonaparte was a ruler full of ____________________ , defending a popular ____________________ by imposing ____________________ dictatorship , and spreading liberal ideals through ____________________ wars , and though he never achieved his dream of ____________________ Europe , he undoubtedly left his ____________________ on it , for better or for worse .