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every dog has its day

come a long way

win-win situation

live up to somebody's expectations

hit the jackpot

go the extra mile

work your fingers to the bone

make a comeback

save the day

with flying colours

move up the career ladder

kill two birds with one stone

where there's a will there's a way

rise to the occasion

get promoted/get pay rise; connected with more responsibilities within the company

to achieve what is expected, esp. high standards

used to mean that if you are determined enough, you can find a way to achieve what you want, even if it is very difficult

to make more effort than is expected of you

to do something that prevents a likely defeat or failure

said to emphasize that everyone is successful or happy at some time in their life

to work extremely hard, especially for a long time

If you do something, such as pass an exam, very successfully.

to show that you can deal with a difficult/new/unexpected situation successfully

to have advanced to an improved or more developed state

is one that is good for everyone who is involved

to get or win the best thing/a lot of money

an attempt to become famous, powerful, or important again after a period of being much less famous

to succeed in achieving two things in a single action