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I live on land. I ‘ve got sharp teeth.I’m a wild mammal. I eat meat.People call me ”The King of Jungle”. Which animal am I?

I live on farm. I’m a mammal. I’ve black and white fur. People milk me and eat my meat.I eat grass.Which animal am I?

I live on farm. I’m a mammal. I’ve black and white fur. People milk me and eat my meat.I eat grass.Which animal am I?

I am a mammal, elegant, very fast and little fierce; when I want to put on shoes I go home to the blacksmith. Which animal I am?

I am very big and strong, I’m grey. I live in Africa. I have trunk and four leg; I eat leaves. Which animal I am?

I’m an insect.I make honey and I’ve got wings. Which animal am I?

I’m a bird.I’ve white feathers and wings.I’m very beautiful.Which animal am I?

I am a reptile, people say I am slow. I am a herbivore. I have a shell that is called a carapace. Which animal am I?