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1 . The project updates you gave me were ____________________ to my ears !
2 . Right , the presentation is not here so it seems we'll have to ____________________ by ear .
3 . All it needs are little tweaks to ____________________ tune the whole process .
4 . Her comment definitely struck a ____________________ with me ? couldn't agree more !
5 . Moving house ? Tidying up , packing , carrying stuff and all that ____________________ .
6 . Right , I'm all ____________________ - what's the story ?
7 . Martin Brown ? The name ____________________ a bell .
8 . I have a feeling Paul should change his ____________________ ? he keeps repeating himself .
9 . Well , on a more personal ____________________ , my grandfather was actually born there .
10 . Someone's messed up and now we all have to ____________________ the music .