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Tips when you go out with someone :

1 . - It's more fun to ____________________ ____________________ with someone you know than to go on a " blind date " .
2 . - If you don't ____________________ ____________________ well with your bouyfriend's or girlfriend's family , your relationship won't ____________________ ____________________ .
3 . - It's good to date a lot of different people before you ____________________ ____________________ with one person .
4 . - After you ____________________ ____________________ with someone , you should try and stay friends .
5 . - You should never ____________________ ____________________ to someone you've ____________________ ____________________ with .
6 . - If you want to meet someone , it's a good idea to ____________________ ____________________ for a class .
7 . - Relationships never work out when one person has to ____________________ ____________________ .
8 . - When someone close sends a message , try to ____________________ ____________________ immediately .
9 . - Try to ____________________ ____________________ well with your partner's friends . They'll be part of your life too .