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The ____________________ variable is the variable that we have the power to set in the experiment .

The ____________________ variable is the variable that we measure in an experiment .

Controls are things that should remain constant in an experiment .

Quantitative observations are ones that include ____________________ .

Qualitative observations are ones that utilize ____________________ .

14 feet , 10 m / s , and 22 mL are ____________________ observations .

Blue , unhealthy , and loud are ____________________ observations .

Conducting multiple trials in an experiment is useful because it better highlights ____________________ and makes the data more ____________________ .

Averaging data is sometimes done to decrease the influence of any outlier data .

When graphing the data from an experiment , the independent variable goes on the ____________________ - axis .

When graphing the data from an experiment , the dependent variable does on the ____________________ - axis .