Créer une activité
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1 ) I ____________________ been working very hard these days .
2 ) It has ____________________ raining since this morning .
3 ) They have been ____________________ the world for 10 years now .
4 ) Look at this photo that I have ____________________ .
5 ) She's exhausted , she ____________________ been running for 3 hours .
6 ) I feel nostalgic , I have been ____________________ at old photographs all day .
7 ) I'm worried , a stranger ____________________ ____________________ calling me for weeks .
8 ) Ouch , I have ____________________ my finger with the knife .
9 ) you should change your clothes , you have ____________________ ____________________ the same sweater all the week .
10 ) I need a rest , I ____________________ been ____________________ math exercises all day .