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Anne ____________________ was born in Frankfurt in ____________________ 1929 . At age 1934 , she moved to Amsterdam , in the ____________________ , with her family . The ____________________ party had just taken power in Germany , and Anne and her family were ____________________ . She was a good student , had many friends , and led a relatively normal life , until ____________________ invaded the Netherlands in 1940 .

The occupying Germans began to persecute Jewish people immediately . Her father tried to get the family to the United States , where he figured they would be safe from persecution , but in 1941 the United States closed its doors on refugees , and they were forced to stay in the Netherlands .

In 1942 , Anne Frank received a ____________________ as a gift for her birthday and named it ____________________ . In response to increased persecution of Jews by the Germans , and communications summoning them to go to a ____________________ camp , the Franks went into hiding . Instead , Anne , her father , her mother , and her sister ____________________ , moved to a secret ____________________ that had a set of rooms in the building which housed Anne's father's offices .

Only four employees , those most loyal to them , knew that they were there . The door to the rooms was concealed by a ____________________ . The four employees would tell the Franks about what was going on in the world , and give them food so they didn't starve . As time went on , the Franks were joined by the ____________________ family . The Franks and the Pels would spend two years hidden in these rooms , and Anne wrote everything that happened carefully in her diary and about her hopes and dreams to one day become a journalist and turn ? kitty ? into a ____________________ .

She wrote almost every single day until the first of August , ____________________ . Three days later , German ____________________ stormed the secret room and ____________________ everyone in it . To this day , it is not known how the Franks were found , but it's possible someone had betrayed them . The Franks were taken to a concentration camp for a month , then transported to ____________________ . Once there , Anne was separated from her father .

A month later , Anne and Margot were taken to Bergen - Belsen , where they died , most likely of ____________________ . Anne was ____________________ years old at that time . Her mother later died of starvation . Her father was the only one to survive until the end of the war . He eventually received her diary from a friend called ____________________ Gies who had kept it after their arrest , and he decided to ____________________ it .

When she first started writing , Anne had no idea her private , personal words would be read by the whole world . Her diary shows the mind of a normal young ____________________ who has to deal with a horrible reality and ____________________ . That's why her words are so important ____________________ .