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Tools for improve listening

Bottom- Up

Macro skills

Which listening approach to very different skills

It is defined as one's ability to comprehend spoken language at the discourse level -including conversations, stories (i.e., narratives), and informal oral texts- that involves the processes of extracting and constructing meaning.

Listening for specific information


Extensive listening focuses on


What are some aspects of listening comprehension?

Hearing the sounds, Understanding intonation and stress, Understanding colloquial vocabulary, etc.


Focus on listening for details and involve tasks that focus on understanding at a sound or word level. Tasks are ‘intensive’, as they focus on looking for particular details.

Model emphasises the decoding of the smallest units

Elabortae strategies from what has been heard

General understanding

Listening Comprehension


Use learning websites with audio components. Watch authentic media.

Focus on the ‘big’ picture and general meaning of a listening text. Often the starting point is to discuss the topic and then to use a ‘gist’ or ‘extensive’ task to listen for the overall meaning.