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COVID - 19 is part of the ? Coronavirus ? family . The name of the ____________________ is similar to a ? Crown ? .
? Crown ? in ____________________ is ? Corona ? .
? Coronavirus ? only affected animals in the past , but it mutated .
The new ____________________ affects humans .
The ____________________ virus is COVID - 19 . COVID - 19 incubates in the human ____________________ for 14 to 15 days . Usually no symptoms appear .
Our immune ____________________ fights COVID - 19 to protect our bodies .
During this fight , you can have ____________________ , feel tired , cough and have difficulty breathing . If you have the symptoms , call COVID - 19 ____________________ . In Peru , the number is 113 .
COVID - 19 affects especially vulnerable people like our ____________________ . Let's protect them and stay ____________________ !