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If you take care of your skin now , you'll be grateful in the future . The sun's 1 ) ____________________ damage the skin . If you've got 2 ) ____________________ skin , you'll need to use 3 ) ____________________ so your skin doesn't burn . It's also important to keep your skin clean . Spots and 4 ) ____________________ are often a problem for teenagers , so wash your face twice a day .
If you 5 ) ____________________ your teeth after every snack and meal , you won't have to rush to the 6 ) ____________________ with 7 ) ____________________ .
Your eyes will feel 8 ) ____________________ if you watch TV or use a computer for hours . It's a good idea to look away from the screen every few minutes and 9 ) ____________________ often .
A 10 ) ____________________ diet and exercise are the two most important things your body needs .