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Read the text and complete the samples with the correct verb forms .

Madison is a student in London and she buys food every week . In her fridge , there's some beef and some fish . There are some vegetables too . For snacks , there are some chips , but there aren't any cookies or other sweets , and there isn't any chocolate . There aren't any cooked meals because there isn't a microwave in her flat ! Now compare this with the food you eat at home every week . Is there a big difference ? Are there any things your family and Madison have in common ?

Activity : Read the text and complete the samples with the correct verb forms .

Singular and uncountable : There is / isn't
Affirmative : ____________________ a melon .
Negative : There ____________________ any chocolate .
Interrogative : ____________________ there a melon ? Yes , there ____________________ . / No , there ____________________ .

Plural ( countable ) : There are / aren't
Affirmative : There ____________________ some tomatoes .
Negative : There ____________________ any carrots .
Interrogative : ____________________ there any peas ? Yes , there ____________________ . / No , there ____________________ .