Literature on the health effects of electromagnetic radiation (i)_______________. In addition, the magnetic field exposures of electric line workers (ii)________________ to (iii)___________ the potential health hazards.
Several green measures (i )______________. They(ii)________________ reducing paper usage, recycling waste paper and installing motion sensors. Also, advice (iii)___________ from the Regional Environmental Officer.
From 23 to 28 June, five possible sites (i)___________with reference to the(ii)___________, namely, roof structure, wind-load and cost. Two locations (iii)___________as suitable for the installation of a rooftop generator.
An (i)___________, in the presence of the injured representative, the Senior Manager of the Maintenance Department and the Safety Officer, (ii)___________ on 18 August. Also, the handling procedures and compensation terms (iii)___________.