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Complete the texts messages with the present simple or continuous form if these verbs : buy / do / know / look / love / get / prefer / read

Jane : Hi , Chris . What ____________________ you ____________________ ?
Chris : ____________________ ____________________ for a birthday present for Emma .
Jane : Why don't you buy her a CD ? She ____________________ music .
Chris : I ____________________ . But she ____________________ to download music . She never ____________________ CDs .
Jane : Well , what about a book ? She ____________________ a lot .
Chris : Good idea . ____________________ you ____________________ ready for her party now ?
Jane : Yes ! I'm looking forward to it !
Chris : Me too . See you later , then .

Complete the sentences with the opposite of the adjectives in brackets .
1 . Oh , I love my new long - sleeved ( short - sleeved ) cardigan !
2 . These jeans are really ____________________ ( expensive ) .
3 . What a beautiful ____________________ ( patterned ) shirt !
4 . My closet is always very ____________________ ( tidy ) .
5 . It is ____________________ ( dangerous ) to swim in that river .
6 . Jason feels so ____________________ ( happy ) today .
7 . My mom works in a ____________________ ( small ) clothes shop .